Saturday, February 25, 2012


Aku (panik):  God, bolehkan aku tanya sesuatu?
Me (panic)  : God, can I ask You something?

Tuhan: Silahkan
God   : Please do.

Aku : Janji Engkau tidak akan marah?
Me   : Promise you won't get angry?

Tuhan: Aku janji
God   : Yes, I promise.

Aku (frustrasi) : Mengapa Engkau biarkan banyak hal terjadi padaku hari ini?
Me (frustrated): Why did You let a lot of things happen to me today?

Tuhan: Maksudmu?
God   : What do you mean?

Aku: Aku terlambat bangun.
Me  : I woke up late.

Tuhan: Ya
God   : Yes.

Aku: Mobilku gak bisa distarter
Me  : My car couldn't start.

Tuhan: Oke
God: Ok

Me (ngedumel):  Sandwich untuk makan siangku  salah dan harus nunggu lama .
Me (grumbling): My lunch sandwich came wrong and I had to wait for a long time.

God   : Hmmmm..
Tuhan: Hmmmm.....

Aku: Dalam perjalanan pulang hp ku mati saat  aku angkat telp  masuk
Me  : On the way home, my hand-phone was dead and when I picked it up.

Tuhan: Baiklah....
God   : Alright....

Aku (suara lantang):
Puncak semuanya itu waktu aku sampai rumah aku pingin merendam kakiku  di  mesin pemijat kaki  tapi mesin tidak berfungsi. Gak ada yang bener hari ini. Kenapa Engkau melakukan ini semua?
Me (loud voice):
On top of everything, I wanted to use my foot massage machine but it didn't work. Nothing went well today. Why did you do all that?

Malaikat kematian sedang berada diranjangmu pagi tadi dan Aku harus mengirim malaikat lain untuk  melawan dia untuk hidupmu, makanya Aku biarkan kamu  tertidur selama proses peperangan itu
The angel of death was on your bed this morning, so I had to sent another angel to fight for your life. I let you sleep during the warfare.

Aku (lembut): Oh...
Me (getting softer): Oh.....

 Aku membuat mobilmu tidak bisa distarter karena ada orang mabuk berat yang akan menyerang kamu dijalan yang akan kamu lewati
I made you car could't start because there was a drunk man was going to attack you on the road.

Aku (tersipu): ??
Me (embarrassed): ??

Orang pertama yang membuat sandwich itu lagi sakit dan Aku tidak ijinkan kamu makan sandwich buatanya supaya tidak tertular. Aku tahu kamu tidak suka terlambat kerja
The first boy who made your sandwich was sick. So, I didn't let you eat the sandwich he made. I know you didn't like being late to work.

Aku (malu)           : Oh.....
Me (embarrassed): Oh....

Handphonemu Kubuat mati waktu kamu angkat karena orang yang menelepon itu akan menipu kamu, makanya Aku tidak ijinkan kamu bicara dengan orang itu untuk melindungi kamu.
I purposely made your handphone dead because the person who called wanted to con you, so I protected you by not letting him talk to you. 

Aku ( lemah): Aku ngerti God.
Me (weak)    : I understand God.

Tuhan :
Oh ya, dan mesin pemijat kaki itu, kabelnya konslet dan bila kamu gunakan akan menyebakan konslet semua aliran listrik dirumahmu. Aku tahu kamu tidak suka kalo gelap karena listrik mati.
About the foot massage machine, the cable was short-circuit which affected the electricity in the whole house. I know you hate darkness.

Aku: Maafin aku God.
Me  : Forgive me, God.

Gak perlu minta maaf tapi belajarlah untuk percaya kepadaKu dalam segala hal, suka ataupun duka.
You don't need to apologize, but learn to trust Me in anything through joy and sorrow.

Aku: Aku akan percaya padaMu
Me  : I trust You.

Dan jangan meragukan rancanganKu karena rancanganKu untuk hari-harimu selalu lebih baik dari rancanganmu.
And don't doubt about my plan because My plan for your lives is always better than your plan.

Aku tidak akan ragu. Dan ijinkan aku mengucapkan terima kasih God  atas segala sesuatu tiap hari.
I will not doubt You anymore. Let me say thank you for everything each day.

Tuhan: Sama sama anakKu...AKU besertamu
God: Your welcome, my child. I always be with you.

IMANUEL = GOD is always be with us / Tuhan selalu beserta kita.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Hongkong II

My second day in Hongkong, spent the whole day trying to find my dream bag. I'll show you in the later post what I finally got.

When visiting Hongkng we always go to this restaurant, The Golden Bull. It's a must go restaurant. Food's so good. Metropolasia wrote: Vietnamese cuisine, with French influence, for the last 25 years... It boasts a classic-elegant design that features Vietnamese-French colonial style and a nice, relaxed atmosphere... 
It's located at Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui . Once again, we know this place from Carrollien's husband     

This is the best pho noodle soup I know. They use wagyu beef in the soup. It already makes me drooling just by writing this blog. Hahahahah

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hongkong I

First day in Hongkong always bring excitement ;) Good food, nice shopping place.

 Sunnies: Givenchy, Wrap: Zara, Black sweater dress: Perteblu (Doota, Dong-Dae-Mun, Seoul), Bag: Coach, Boots: Easy Steps (Australia)

Carrollien and her husband brought us to a very nice Italian restaurant at Grand Hyatt Hotel. He's been wanting to take her there but with two person only they cannot order and try lots of food. So lucky us, when we arrived there he took us right away to that Italian restaurant.

These are only the appetizers, but they're so good. Yummy! 

During dinner, Carrollien told us about this small place selling cheap good siomay. After finished dinner she insisted her husband taking us there. We felt bad because after his expensive treats for us, we still went trying cheap siomays. But he's a nice guy and still drove us there. Thanks a lot, Carrollien and David.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Everyday is Valentine

Happy Belated Valentine's day

Real love is not based on romantic, candle light dinner and walks along the beach. In fact, it's based on compromise, care and trust. (Someone)

For me, every day is valentine :) My husband and me had our valentine lunch with friends at My Kopi O @Grand City. It's very rare for us to get out in the afternoon having lunch. So, it's kind of soothing for me enjoying lunch outside my office.

You should try this moci. Very good!

Sausage Sandwiches (my choice)

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
Sekalipun aku dapat berkata- kata dengan semua bahasa manusia dan bahasa malaikat, tetapi jika aku tidak mempunyai kasih, aku sama dengan gong yang berkumandang dan canang yang gemerincing. 

 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant
 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; { Greek b irritable and does not count up wrongdoing b }
 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
 Love never ends.
 Kasih itu sabar; kasih itu murah hati; ia tidak cemburu. Ia tidak memegahkan diri dan tidak sombong.
 Ia tidak melakukan yang tidak sopan dan tidak mencari keuntungan diri sendiri. Ia tidak pemarah dan tidak menyimpan kesalahan orang lain.
 Ia tidak bersukacita karena ketidakadilan, tetapi karena kebenaran.
 Ia menutupi segala sesuatu, percaya segala sesuatu, mengharapkan segala sesuatu, sabar menanggung segala sesuatu.
 Kasih tidak berkesudahan

(1 Corinthian 13:4-8a)
(1 Korintus 13:4-8a)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why I Fall in Love with South Korea (Korea part VI)

The last day in Seoul, we spent almost the whole day at Lotte Mart and Lotte department store and Toys R Us. We were too lazy taking a very long queue to Lotte World. So, we ended up enjoying the Lotte Mart with lots of different snacks. We always go crazy when we see lots of interesting food. They offered us many many food to taste. It's so fun.
Hari terakhir di Seoul, kita seharian berada di Lotte Mart, Lotte Department store  dan toko mainan Toys R Us. Kita sekeluarga terlalu malas untuk antri yang sangat panjang ke Lotte World. Jadi kita akhirnya menikmati berjam-jam berada di Lotte Mart mencoba makanan-makanan ringan sebanyak-banyaknya yang ditawarkan oleh supermarket itu. Kita semua selalu 'gila' kalau melihat makanan-makanan yang menarik. Mereka tawarkan banyak sekali macam tester makanan-makanan. Sangat menyenangkan.

Ja jang myun, one of our favorite noodle. My kids grab the noodle as soon as possible then i just remember that i had to take a picture first. Please pardon me for the look of the food is messy already :)

In front of the Toys R Us, there are kids activities for kids to play while the parents go shopping. They seem to have different kind of educational activities. That's good.

Why I Fall in Love with South Korea

Few years ago, I always heard some preachers said that South Korea used to be very poor. Then, somehow the Christians there started to make commitment by gathering together at 5 o'clock in the morning to pray in their church. Even if they had to walk  for an hour from their houses in very cold weather, they would still do it.
Beberapa tahun yg lalu saya selalu mendengar beberapa pengkotbah berkata bahwa Korea Selatan dulu miskin. Kemudian umat Kristen di sana bersepakat untuk berkumpul setiap jam lima pagi di gereja untuk berdoa. Walaupun mereka harus berjalan satu jam lamanya dari rumah mereka, di musim dinginpun mereka tetap pergi.

Nowadays, South Korea is a developed country. I wasn't aware until I had the chance to go there last December. The country is so clean, organized, and beautiful. The public transportation is great. Even they have four seasons in a year, the quality of the vegetables and fruits are amazing. Not to mention the technology industries are very advanced.
Sekarang Korea Selatan adalah negara yang maju. Saya tidak menyadari itu sampai saya mendapat kesempatan ke sana untuk melihat sendiri keadaaan di sana bulan Desember kemarin. Negara ini bersih, teratur dan indah. Sarana transportasi bagus. Walaupun di sana ada empat musim tapi qualitas dari sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan sangat mengagumkan. Apalagi kalau kita berbicara tentang industri-industri tehnologi yang maju pesat.

 Now that I have seen South Korea myself, I realize we are as Indonesian should care more about our own country by doing more prayers, more aware of the environment due to global warming , and care about each other more since we are from different types of tribes and different skin colors. We should bound together in one. The difference culture between us is God's gift where it should be an asset to our country instead of creating conflicts and diversity.
Sekarang sesudah saya melihat Korea Selatan, saya sadar bahwa kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia harus lebih perduli Indonesia dengan lebih berdoa, lebih perduli lingkungan (global warming) dan lebih saling perduli dengan yang lain karena kita berasal dari bermacam-macam suku dan warna kulit yang berbeda. Kita harus bersatu. Perbedaan di antara kita adalah kasih karunia Tuhan yang seharusnya adalah aset negara dan bukan malah penyebab konflik dan perpecahan.

By more prayers,
Dengan lebih berdoa,
We can ask God for wisdom in how we can improve our agricultural industries since Indonesia is very rich of natural resources and good soil.
Kita dapat meminta kepada Tuhan untuk hikmat bagaimana kita menyempurnakan industri pertanian karena Indonesia sangat kaya dengan hasil bumi dan mempunyai tanah yang sangat subur.

We can ask God for unity in peace in every tribe, culture and religion. Working together in sincerity, always forgive each other and throw away all the bitterness that ever occured before.
Kita bisa minta kepada Tuhan untuk selalu ada perdamaian di antara setiap suku, budaya dan kepercayaan yang dapat bekerja dengan ketulusan. Dan juga selalu mengampuni satu sama lain dan membuang segala kepahitan yang pernah ada. 

We can ask God for getting Indonesia out of debts, poverty, minimal education, injustice and curses from the past.
Kita bisa minta kepada Tuhan untuk membebaskan Indonesia dari hutang-hutang, kemiskinan, kebodohan, ketidak-adilan dan kutuk-kutuk di masa lalu.

We can ask God to heal the wound caused by Colonialization abuse or riots.
Kita bisa minta kepada Tuhan untuk memulihkan Indonesia dari akibat penjajahan dan kerusuhan yang pernah ada.

We can ask God for Indonesia to inherit wealth and prosperity to the next generation and enable them to manage and develop all the abundant human and natural resources.
Kita bisa minta kepada Tuhan supaya Indonesia dapat mewarisi kekayaan dan kemakmuran ke generasi berikutnya dan memampukan mereka untuk mengelola dan membangun sumber budi daya manusia dan sumber hasil alam.

We can ask God for all the Indonesian to work hard and also with integrity.
Kita bisa minta kepada Tuhan supaya Indonesia mau bekerja keras dengan integritas.

We can ask God to protect Indonesia from all the natural disasters and the harm of the frequent changing weather.
Kita bisa minta kepada Tuhan untuk perlindungan dari bencana alam dan perubahan cuaca yang tidak menentu.

Let's pray for our beloved nation, Indonesia and teach the young generation to have the fear of the Lord.
Mari kita berdoa untuk negeri kita tercinta, Indonesia dan mengajar generasi muda penerus untuk mempunyai Roh takut dan gentar akan Tuhan.

God Bless You All.
Tuhan memberkati selalu.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Korea part V

Another freezing day in Seoul. We went to Changdeok Palace watching the guards changing shifts ceremony.

For lunch, we were taken to a Korean Buffet. As you can see on the pictures below, they were lots of varieties from beef and seafood suki, salads, noodle including spaghetti to Korean snack like tok poki. You have to be really hungry to be able to try every thing :)

Then, the most exciting part for the ladies, shopping at Dong Dae Mun. A must go place in Seoul. Heaven for the women. Hahahah.

We had delicious galbi in Kyungbokkung restaurant. The small dishes were yummy too. When you go to Seoul, you have to go to this place.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Korea part IV

I thought I could have  finished blogging about my Korea trip by the end of January. But, I couldn't. I'm sorry. My activities didn't let me having spare time blogging.

Well, do I look different this time? I'm wearing Hanbok, Korean traditional outfit. The tour guide took us to the seaweed museum which second floor is for renting out Hanbok outfit and the hall is decorated for people to take pictures.

These are demonstrating mannequins of making the seaweed the traditional way long time ago.

I love the bamboo salt seaweed I bought at this museum. Bamboo salt's also known as a medication  purpose: anti-inflammatory effect, detoxification and sterilization, improve physical constitution and creating new cells.

In the afternoon, we had an authentic typical Korean dish. All are small dishes. Interesting!

After lunch, we went to Paju Premium Outlet. Nice outlet! Similar to the one in Orlando.

My warm and comfortable boots, Shape-Ups Sketcher. So, while I feel comfortable wearing these, I build more muscle in the same time.