Monday, August 29, 2011

How To Pray Effectively

Today is holiday, that's why I have the chance to open my notes and found this. But,I totally forgot where I got it. I hope it works for you. Since every individual surely has problems. It works for me though.


1.Base your request on God's character. Pray like you know God will answer you because He is faithful, great,loving, worderful and He is able to handle any problems.

2.Confess the sin of which you are aware.

3.Claim the promise of God (it requires reading our bible dilligently)
Does God need to be reminded?
No. Because it helps us remember what God has promised.

4.Be very specific in what you ask for.

God bless you all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How do I know Charles?

One day, one of my employees got posseseed by the demon. She was very quiet but suddenly became very friendly and even spoke English & Dutch. She didn't want to go home. She said that her house is in our office. My other employees also try to help her to pray according to what they believed. I worried and I suddenly remember my hair dresser, Evy Soenardi who always told me some great testimonies how miraculuous is Jesus. I called her and told her what happened. She said," What a coincidence, I'm just picking up two servants of God from the airport, so I'm bringing them right away to your place.

Long story short, they arrived in my office and when the car entered the parking area, the demon inside my employee said," I want to go home, somebody is coming for me." It's funny because she didn't want to go home before and said that her house is in our office. She was inside the building on the second floor,she didn't even physically saw them because they entered and not yet even came out from the car. Weird, huh?
Then, I took them upstairs to meet her. They sang a song," Dalam Yesus ada kuasanNya,darah domba Allah." Over and over again. This song means there is power in the blood of Jesus. At first, she was trying hard to be calm. But after a while, she couldn't stand it and she began to close her ears and mumbling,"lalalalalalalala." It seems that the demon couldn't stand listening to this song. Then she fell on the floor together with the chair she sat on. Then, one of Evy's friends, Charles ask the demon to go out from her in Jesus name, and she was set free,healed. Praise God!

Finally, from that incidence I was amazed and became a new born believer, devoting my life to Jesus. It's written in the book of Mark chapter 16:16-18. " (16)He who believesand is babtized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. (17) And signs will follow to those believing these things: in My Name they will cast out demons; they will speak new tongues; (18) they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing. It will not hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will be well." When I read this scriptures, I was thinking," Hey, I want to be able to do what Charles did to my employee too. And it says in the bible every one who believe has these signs. Wow!

From that moment, Charles Lerrick became my mentor teaching me bible study and prayer. He's the type of person when it comes to teaching and mentoring, he can do it for hours. He taught me that it's very important to have faith in God and always rely on Him. He made me understand how important it is to have a prayer life constantly.

Charles is Dutch citizen. Even though he was born in Indonesia, he left to Holland when he was teenager and stayed there for over 30 years until he came back here again doing ministry. He could've just enjoyed his retirement over there. But, he said God put in his heart is for winning as many souls in Indonesia. He always says, obedience is more than sacrifice. Well, that's the story about how I met Charles and how he becomes one of the most influential people in my life.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Funky Shoes +Cute Bag

I have this young and sweet customer, Sally. She has this unusual taste in fashion. She always likes unique, couture and detailed stuffs. She bought this bag and shoes she's wearing on the picture below from Paris when she did her pre-wedding photos. I can't wait to see the pictures taken there, it must be awesome! The shoes has bone look shape, so funky. And the bag is studded and the pony hair is sticking out in the middle front makes it so cute and adorable.

Shoes: DSQUARED2 ; Bag: Valentino

Dua Jalan Kereta Api

Pada masa yang sama, Rick Warren, penulis buku Purpose Driven
Life, mengalami dua hal yang bertolak belakang. Ia menuai kesuksesan
besar karena bukunya tercetak hingga 15 juta eksemplar. Namun
bersamaan dengan itu, hatinya merasa berat karena istrinya, Kay,
diserang kanker.

Menyikapi hal bertentangan ini, Rick berkata, "Saya terbiasa
berpikir bahwa hidup adalah deretan gunung dan lembah-kita berjalan
melalui saat-saat gelap, mencapai puncak gunung, kemudian kembali
lagi, begitu terus-menerus. Kini saya tidak percaya itu lagi. Hidup
ini lebih seperti dua jalur kereta api yang menyatu di ujung, dan di
sepanjang waktu Anda akan menjumpai hal baik dan juga hal buruk.
Sebanyak apa pun hal baik yang Anda terima, Anda tetap akan
menghadapi hal buruk yang mesti diatasi. Sebaliknya, seburuk apa pun
hidup yang Anda jalani, selalu ada hal baik yang dapat disyukuri."

Menyadari bahwa manusia tak dapat menghindar dari hidup yang
berdinamika seperti dua "jalur kereta", Paulus mengungkap tiga
nasihat sederhana tetapi sangat penting untuk selalu dilakukan,
da-lam segala keadaaan-baik dan buruk-yakni: bersukacita, berdoa,
mengucap syukur. Agar ketika suka datang, manusia tak menjadi
takabur. Atau, ketika kesedihan menyapa, manusia tak menjadi habis asa.
Sebab, sesungguhnya melalui jalan ini TUHAN menolong manusia untuk
selalu melihat hidupnya secara seimbang. Bahwa hidupnya
terselenggara bukan karena kekuatannya sendiri, tetapi selalu ada
TUHAN yang berdaulat. Dan, bahwa manusia hidup bukan hanya untuk
menikmati dunia, tetapi bahwa ada urusan kekekalan yang harus
dipersiapkan sekarang.


Making our husbands happy. By Carrollien

On the subject of Happiness

Dear friends,
I am a home maker. I was conditioned to cook by having a husband who is foreign to the local cuisine. He personally never asked me to cook for him, but his misery at eating a "mutant" chinese food in this country has compelled me to learn to re-create his home taste in our own kitchen.

After some time, I managed to start cooking things "resembling" what he used to have in his home country. Then pride sets in. Do you remember what the Bible said? That pride always come before the fall? Well, that's exactly what happened to me.

I prided myself to be able to cook many things. However, I found that my husband's complain has increased. I was resentful to him. I assumed that he was condescending and ungrateful.

When I was proud, I cook the way "I like it". But God reminded me this: "my husband doesn't  like it that way". If you think I accepted God's word easily, well, you are wrong. Until one day, I gave in to His holy nudging, and follow Him to cook the way my husband like it.

Needless to say, God is always right. I now find that cooking the way my husband like it, is far more rewarding than cooking the way I like it. Seeing him happy has become my own happiness. And suddenly, the price I paid, seems insignificant.

I relate this feeling to how God's must have feel when He paid the price for our sin on the cross. And how upon seeing our happiness now, He know that his suffering has worth it all.  The question now is, are we happy yet? Because His death and suffering on the cross meant that we are now liberated to be happy.

What if we know all that and we are still unhappy of our live? May I suggest that we all do something for other people? To die in our self to give happiness to others? In this way you will be sowing happiness, and the Bible said : you shall reap what you sow, thus, you shall be happy too, at the end.

I believe this paradigm applies in our spiritual life. While we die daily to our sinful nature, we are giving happiness to our soul. So first you will "feel" - because you cannot "see" it, obviously -the happiness in your soul, that the sacrifice you made won't feel hard anymore. Secondly, you are sowing happiness, thus, you shall receive happiness. Thirdly, you are safe keeping for heavenly treasures which also translate as the "true" happily ever after.

Why don't we all be the "Cinderella" who cooks and scrubs and cleans and yet goes home to a palace and live with the Prince of Peace who is more than charming? And thus ended our quest for happiness.

After all, He has chose us among all the fairest maiden in the land :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pasar Malam Buffet @Bumi Hotel+Charles Birthday

Bumi Hotel is formerly Hyatt Regency hotel Surabaya. At 6 o'clock every evening they have a thematic buffet, Pasar Malam where they create every food corner like the one in regular pasar. By the way pasar malam means night traditional market in Indonesia. As you can see on the pictures they have a cosy ambiance. All the food are authentic Indonesian food including the snacks and the desserts. They have pecel (Indonesian steamed vegetable with peanuts sauce), all fried food varieties, barbecued fish head and chicken, soto, tahu campur,ronde, angsle etc. Even the coffees and teas served in traditional way. Almost all the food tools are also the old style. It brings out our old memories. Nice....
I love the atmosphere where I can take my family and friends hanging out there, even my kids love it. I invited my spiritual mentor, Charles Lerrick who's having his birthday. Also, my other brother and sister in Christ, Adi and Susan. It's been a while I haven't seen them. They are all people who devoted their lives to Jesus by showing love and passion to the help the others in family healing. They lately helped this couple who fought all the time before. But now after they patiently counseled them and prayed for them, this couple are reconciled and even their relationship with their parents are great now. Praise the Lord!
Later, I have this story how I know Charles the first time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unexpected greenish anthracite color.

It's been a loooong time since the last time I went to see a movie. So finally, there's a good movie playing in town, TRANSFORMER. So, I wear this very comfortable soft denim shirt with open buttoned in front to give a blazer look. I match it with my most favorite high heel at the moment. I happen to have this anthracite color bag which I was a bit disappointed in the beginning when I received the bag cos when I look at the website it looked grey, I was looking for a grey bag at that time and it turned out to be greenish grey. But now that my friends say that this color is unusual ,then I beginning to like it :) Even I match with quite a lot of things. It's very handy though. Well, it's the most I can blog today. I've been very busy. Hope to continue again tomorrow.

Blouse: J Crew; Tank top: Mango, Pants: Giordano; Bag: Balenciaga (work); Shoes: Sam Edelman.

Friday, August 12, 2011


This is a wedding reception of Anang & Debby. Anang is Ellyna's brother. Ellyna is one of my business partners in Monte House ( we have a beads store at Atom Mall, Surabaya). I & Warren designed the dresses worn by Ellyna, her sisters and their mom.
The bride & the groom only invited close friends & families. So the atmosphere is very warm and cosy. It's nice. Everybody had fun.

Anang & Debby (the groom & the bride)

Cupcakes for every guest.

Me, Ellyna and her nephew (little cool boy)

Ellyna and her sisters.

Me and my partner in business who's also my sister in law, Warren Tsang /Warren Tjandra. Next time,I'll talk about her.

Notes about marriages:

I've been married for almost 18 years. I got married so young when I was 19 years old. It's only by God grace that we still live happily in love now. It was indeed not easy to get married too young like us when we were more emotional and selfish. There were tough times when my expectation was too high for our marriage. Like most young girls dream for a Cinderrela's wedding when they think after they get married with the person they love, everything will be perfect and beautiful. Unfortunately, that's not what happen. After a while, here comes more obvious differences, they find things they don't like in their spouses. Then, they try to change each other instead of changing themselves. Blaming each other and the worst thing, getting bitter to each other.
I admit I was a spoilt brat who always wanted everything's done my way. I didn't like other people did things not according to my will. I get disturbed easily. With that kind of character, It's hard for me to be thankful. I was demanding. I expected my husband, David to be this and that.
When I started my relationship with God, I found some basic truth about relationships, it applies in marriage too. I have to sow good seed in order to reap good fruits. For example: it's impossible to have fruits of mangoes while you plant watermelon seeds. So I began to do nice things to David. I do things that I know he'll be pleased. Even, sometimes I admitted I didn't do it sincerely. It was hard in the beginning. But, I pray everyday asking God to give me strength to do it. Also, I ask God to fill me full with His love so I can love my husband unconditionally since God loves me unconditionally too. We have to learn to love our spouses in goods and in bad. After day by day, months by months, I noticed his changes. He started doing things that I like. Nowadays, we just keep doing things that we know we gonna get each other happy. That kind of joy is more than gold and precious stones. And now, I'm so proud having him as my husband. Thank Jesus!
In conclusion: Don't try to change other people, we are the ones who have to change first. "And just as you want men to do to you, you also so to them likewise." (Luke 6:31). The good news is you can always apply this to any relationship. What a beautiful world when people love and care about each other......

God bless you

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My favorite leopard print.

Here, I feel like wearing all in brown hue. So, I found this inexpensive Mango glasses matching with my favorite scarves. I bought a piece of leopard chiffon silk fabric and made it into scarves. Love it! Then, I found my so old CK short in khaki color and and old mocha Chanel bag matching with my mango taupe thin striped vest. Since I planned to hang out in the mall, I chose my most comfortable clogs.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Refreshing @ Kampoeng Kidz +me with the turban.

Kampoeng Kidz is a place where provide learning and giving experiences to become entrepreneur for kids. Often lots of schools send their students for a retreat there. They can learn about many kinds or farming activities like fish farming, rabbit farming, goat farming, chicken farming and dove farming. They even have mining and art gallery as parts of the learning program.

Two weeks ago we pick up our eldest son for two night retreat at Kampoeng Kidz. He enjoyed it. He learnt how to be independent organizing his own bed and clothes. He even told us when there's a crusade for the students, he cried because God has touched his heart. I'm very happy he experienced that. I know exactly how it feels when God touches my heart, indescribable though. Joyful,peace,secured etc. He's a good God. I'm glad that both of my son understands that they have to have the fear of the Lord. Cos we know each of us have our own self righteousness, that's why we tend to go towards ways where we ourselves don't understand. But when we have the Spirit of the Lord, we know we always ask God to lead us the right path for our paths and that must be the right path to go. Thank you,Jesus!

The fish pond where the students are allowed to crazily soaked inside it to catch the little fishes with their hands. The were laughing and giggling. So much fun!

Rabbit farming.

Goat farming.

Art Gallery

Large Hall where the students learn to build up a Tamiya car model.

Food Hall

Gazebo where they can hang out.

This is my relaxed day where I must wear something comfortable. So finally I can wear my FitFlop the whole day and turban to avoid my hair flying from the wind. I made my own cotton tank top. It's just basic tank top but I add an extra piece of fabric with 20 cm width attached in front to add flair look on my tummy area. I rarely wear this kind of a super relaxed outfit due to my daily activities during the weekdays and Church on Sunday.
