Look at these gorgeous models! My beloved friend, Michelle Quan is the make up artist. An energetic and super friendly girl. You'll think the same thing if you meet her in person. She always makes women look beautiful and flawless. She herself has an awesome flawless skin too. You can see her in the last picture of this blog.
Last post was about rehearsal of the fashion show in the afternoon (click here). I'm sorry that it took me a long time to blog about the actual event, the Launching of Oxcy Radio.
The main show of this event is Afgan's concert ( one of the popular singers in Indonesia right now).
Other than that, there's Andin (also one of the famous female singer), dance group, stand up comedian, Vonny's daughter perfomed in violin and our fashion show. It was a cool night. We're glad, we can be part of it :)
This picture below, we're with the madam, Vonny ( wife of the owner of Oxcy Radio)
Look at my weird hairdo compare with these two ladies. I coudn't explain exactly what I wanted to my hairdresser. I have problem doing that. But, I didn't have time to wash and fixed it. It was too late already.
Warren, me, the choreographer (Agung), and the models backstage.
Lots of things happening in this world, like natural disasters, poverty, chaos, economic crisis, bad morality in kids and young generation, global warming, etc.
Banyak hal yang terjadi di dunia ini seperti, bencana alam, kemiskinan, kekacauan, krisis ekonomi, moral yang rusak di dapati dalam genereasi anak-anak penerus bangsa, pemanasan bumi dan banyak hal lainnya.
As we concern about those things, we still have hope for a better future. I mentioned before in my previous blog about how I fall in love with South Korea (click here). This country experienced a huge transformation after they decided to pray in unity for the nation. Now you can see South Korea has been changed completely.
Walaupun kita prihatin dengan semua yang sudah disebutkan di atas, kita masih mempunyai harapan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Saya pernah menulis di blog saya sebelumnya "Mengapa saya jatuh cinta kepada Korea Selatan." (buka di sini). Negara ini mengalami transformasi besar setelah mereka mengambil keputusan untuk berdoa bagi bangsa mereka. Sekarang saudara dapat melihat Korea Selatan sudah berubah total.
We can change the situation with our unity in prayer.
This time, World Prayer Assembly will be held in Indonesia in May 17th 2012. Thousands of believers of all denomination will gather together in national stadium in Jakarta for a massive prayer meeting.
Read more information : http://www.wpa2012.org/
Kita dapat merubah keadaan dengan bersatu dalam doa. Kali ini acara WPA ( Doa Sedunia) akan diadakan di Indonesia tanggal 17 Mei 2012. Ribuan pemercaya dari berbagai denominasi akan bergabung doa bersama-sama di stadium nasional di Jakarta serentak juga di ratusan kota masing-masing.